1:1 Editing Mentoring with Custom Presets


Purchase the 1:1 editing mentoring course with a full set of custom presets here.

Course consists of:

3 video calls via zoom as outlined in the editing mentoring page
A full set of custom presets built bespoke for you with full consideration of what kit you shoot and how you shoot

Pay for custom presets

Purchase the 1:1 editing mentoring course with a full set of custom presets here.

Course consists of:

3 video calls via zoom as outlined in the editing mentoring page
A full set of custom presets built bespoke for you with full consideration of what kit you shoot and how you shoot

Purchase the 1:1 editing mentoring course with a full set of custom presets here.

Course consists of:

3 video calls via zoom as outlined in the editing mentoring page
A full set of custom presets built bespoke for you with full consideration of what kit you shoot and how you shoot